Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)

Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory (STIL)

Space Radiation Investigation Group (SRIG)



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Space radiation investigation group of Solar-terrestrial influences laboratory (STIL) is involved in the following projects:


Dosimetric mapping (DOSMAP) project: Analysis of the data obtained by Liulin-E094 instrument in the US Laboratory module and NODE-1 during the Dosimetric mapping experiment – May-August 2001. SRIG-STIL-BAS takes part in the DOSMAP project by the development, manufacture, calibration and analysis of the data of the Mobile Radiation Exposure Control System - Liulin-E094. Dr. Guenther Reitz, DLR, GERMANY, leads DOSMAP project. The system consists of 4 Mobile Dosimetry Units (MDU) and one Control and Interface Unit (CIU). Liulin-E094 was calibrated at different radiation sources and accelerators. The system worked successfully between May and July 2001 on the board of US Laboratory module of the ISS. Example of the observed East-West asymmetry in the Liulin-E094 data. Another description of DOSMAP;

Liulin-MKC project: Development of the Liulin-MKC Space Radiation Dosimetry System and the software tools for it. The system is scheduled to fly on Russian segment of ISS for 15 years and is mutually developed with scientists from IMBP, Moscow, Russia. Liulin-MKC is a part of the operational Russian Space Radiation Control System, which must ensure the radiation safety of cosmonauts and will supply the Radiation Safety Service with data regarding radiation conditions along the trajectory and on board of spacecraft. Flight model of the system was space qualified by colleagues from IMBP, Moscow in 2003 and is expected to be delivered to the Russian segment of ISS till the middle of 2004. During the flight back to Moscow aircraft flight data from 5 of the dosimeters was taken;

EXPOSE - R3D project: EXPOSE facility will be attached to the ESA Columbus module on ISS for 1.5 years. EXPOSE will support long term in situ studies of microbes in artificial meteorites as well as of microbial communities from special ecological niches, such as endolithic and endoevaporitic ecosystems. The Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter (R3D), developed by SRIG in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Donat-P. Häder, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Institut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologieis, Erlangen and with Wolfram Saedtler from Kayser Thrade GmbH, Germany is a low mass and small dimensions automatic device, which will measure solar radiation in 4 channels and cosmic ionizing radiation in 256 channels. R3D instrument is a part of the experiment SPORES, which is leaded by Dr. Gerda Horneck, Institute of aerospace medicine, DLR, Germany. Flight Instrument of R3D is mounted (July 2003) in the EXPOSE facility and was space qualified together with EXPOSE facility in fall of 2003.

Biopan - R3D-B project: Biopan exposure facility is designed for exobiology, radiation biology, radiation dosimetry and material science investigations in space. Biopan is installed on the external surface of the Foton M1 descent capsule. The Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter for Biopan (R3D-B) is developed by SRIG in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Donat-P. Häder, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Institut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologieis, Erlangen, Germany. It is a low mass and small dimensions automatic device, which will measure solar radiation in 4 channels and cosmic ionizing radiation. R3D-B instrument was flown on Foton M1 satellite on 15.10.2002. Because of the crash of the Soyuz rocket the satellite was not launched in orbit. Next experiments with Foton M1 satellite are planned by ESA and ROSAVIACOSMOS on 31.05.2005 and in 2006.

Cooperation with Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Prof. Frantisek Spurny is partner of SRIG in this cooperation. He performed calibrations of LETS of different modifications on gamma and neutron sources and on CERN reference field. Long-term commercial aircraft data was also obtained by him and mutually analyzed.

Cooperation with National Institute for Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan: Dr. Kazunobu Fujitaka and Dr. Yukio Uchihori are partners of SRIG in the cooperation. Dr Uchihori performed calibrations of LETS at proton, alpha and heavy ion sources using NIRS cyclotron and HIMAC facilities. Results of his work are published in Radiation Measurements, 35,127-134, 2002.

Cooperation with Goddard Space Flight Center-Radiation Physics Office This is the first established cooperation of SRIG. It has a long history since 1990. Dr. E.G. Stassinopoulos is partner of SRIG in this cooperation. First we cooperate on the Liulin-3 instrument for the flight of the Bion-11 satellite. First calibrations of the Liulin spectrometer on electrons and protons were performed together on NASA facilities. Later modified Liulin-3M instrument was first flown on commercial aircraft in 1997.

Cooperation with IPSN, France


Last modified: 22 June 2004